About Us

MOSB fulfills all the necessities of modern industrialisation creates both local and national employment, adds value to the industry and creates a source of economic activity by helping subsidiary industries grow; therefore it has become the focus of foreign investors.
MOSB keeps on growing in its area in order to be able to respond the increasing demand for investment and it has reached over 200 facilities on more than 1000 hectares, built more than 30 connections with international or internationally invested companies and it is closely linked with the economies of Europe and the world. Therefore, it has developed into an organised industrial zone with a strategy of permanent economical grown based on industry and with the ability to create and execute the related policies.
MOSB tries to convert the capital, be it in the vicinity or foreign, into investment and is an organized industrial zone whose industrial range is not focused on one or several classical sectors, but one that feels ready for the future with all kinds of social infrastructure, high added value and understanding of service.
The understanding of service of MOSB is to constantly update the targets according to the changing schedules, try to take decisions aiming to decrease the costs of the industrial facilities with its stable management and to constantly better the current standing, therefore increasing the competitive power of the industries.
Its mission is “to contribute to the economy of Manisa and therefore Turkey by providing and area to gather middle and big sized industries together with a plan and foreign trade volume, to create an appropriate industrial infrastructure for them and serve the industries with the highest quality and level”.
Its vision is “to create the understanding of full service among the organised industrial zones and prevent the pollution that may arise due to this”. MOSB started its journey with a principle of social responsibility in order to increase the level of development and it worked to achieve the centralisation of the logistic services with all awareness.
Manisa Organized Industrial Zone Logistics Services (MOS) started operating as a 100% MOSB investment on a 306,000m2 area with a 7,7 km railroad connection, 12,770m2 free and 1,200m2 sheltered storage area, 25,000 container area on May 2010 with the attendance of our president Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN and our ministers in order to decrease the transportation costs of our existing industries and lead these gains to new investments, thereby creating an increase in employment and efficiency in national and global scale by attracting national and foreign capital to our country and make our industries stronger in the competition, keeping in mind that railroads are the most environment friendly and safest method of transportation.
At the end of 2017, MOS Logistics increased its railroad supply with 2km to 9,7km, its container area with 50,500m2 to 75,500m2, its sheltered storage ares with 60,770 m2 to 60,770m2 in order to meet the increasing demands and completed the construction of a 20,660m2 concrete loading ramp and therefore continues to meet the needs and demands of the industries of MOSB successfully.