The Advantages of MOS


Along with our railway transport service, under favor of our 23.970 m2 closed storage areas, we meet the need of storing that is clean, safe, ordinate, and with proper access links, which is a known deficiency in our region.

By increasing the importability of our Regional companies over Customs Directorate of Manisa, by providing handling services and dutiable storage services within the 1.200 m2 open and 1.400 m2 closed Temporary Storage Areas working in connection to the Customs Directorate of Manisa, the gains in warehousing and intermediary shipping costs, and acceleration in the operation timesare ensured. With the 10.000 m2, 140 vehicle rig park, the rig exportations being made over the Customs Directorate of Manisa creates an advantage in means of operation speed and costs for our companies.

Our 22.770 square meters of free storage areas provide a fast and healthy solution to the need of seasonal and unpredictable additional stocking areas of our regional companies.

Railway transportation with a 9.7 km branch line, and with the 75.500 m2 container terminal being operational, all loads which have arrived and to be sent via railway, maritime line or by road, being loaded and discharge in safe and ordinate area, with the temporary storing and free storing services within the same environment, with transfer distances close to zero, the integration of logistic services also create significant advantages in the costs and operation durations of our industrialists. With the handling and intermediary storing opportunities which we provide within our container terminal, it becomes possible to be free of warehousing, demurrage and vehicle hold costs.